Sunday, April 27, 2008

Danny's First Project

Here is Danny's first project. The workmanship on this one is fantastic!! He made this one as an anniversary gift to his wife. What a guy!!

Very nicely done, Danny! I know she's going to love it!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Stockdog Clinic - April 12th

We attended a Stockdog Clinic at True Grit Farm the weekend of April 12th. It was the most fun I've had in a while!! Thanks to Devona and Bob Myrick for their graciousness and hospitality. . . and for the excellent SANGRIA!! I think everyone, human and canine alike, had a blast.

Kay, Peggy Lee, Hombre & Callie are head out across the pasture to the arena.


Following are some links to the videos that were taken over the weekend . . .

Kay and Hombre:
Kay and Peggy Lee:
Devona and Monty:
Devona and Jackie:
Devona and Rich:

Here are a few (well actually, there are quite a bit more than a few!!) photos of the fun . . .

Kay and Peggy Lee:

The first thing I mastered this weekend was to control the movement of my stick. A super long bamboo pole is used to put pressure on the dog, when it needs to kick out further away from the stock. The stick is also used to indicate to a trained dog which direction you DON'T want the dog to go. That's tough to remember!!
The hardest part of all this is that you must learn to keep the stick in a neutral position, and keep it still when you aren't intending to put pressure on the dog. A stick that waves around wildly is terribly confusing to the poor dog!!
In the following photo, note the excellent concentration and neutral stick position!!
By the way, the object at the end of the stick is an empty water bottle filled with pea gravel. That makes noise, so the dog will pay more attention to it.

A horizontal stick position calls for a STOP or a DOWN from the dog.

Peggy Lee has really turned on to stock since Hombre came along. Here she is very happy with the praise she's getting and jumps straight up in the air!!

A huge part of the fun of these clinics is sitting and watching everyone else run. Here, Bob and Devona discuss a cattle run.
Now it is time for Hombre to teach me a thing or two!!

All of the dogs wait along the fenceline for their turn to run.
Here's Callie . . .

And Duke (Hombre's nephew) . . .

And Hombre . . .

It is all in all a good place to hang out and bond with your dog! And to forge friendships that will last forever.


In a moment of temporary insanity, Devona decided to take Callie into the small arena to work sheep. What was she thinking?!?

Whenever you see sheep going in a million different directions, followed by a whirling dervish, you can be sure it is CALLIE!

Bob and BreAnn work sheep:

Mary Dee and Nikki:

There were six people at the clinic, with about 16 dogs. It was amazing to see every one of the dogs turned out into the yard together. They all played together and had a grand time.

After all, it is all about the dogs!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bruiser . . . Sally's Latest Project

Sally's latest project was a portrait of her husband's favorite home-grown champion bird dog. I think she has really out done herself again! Can you believe this is just her second project???

As usual, the picture in no way does this piece justice. It is absolutely stunning. Her interpretation of the foliage and sky is superb. She selected the glass carefully, so that the grain of the glass would represent the musculature of the dog, Bruiser.
Sally tells me that Bill loved it! I know she is very proud of Bruiser (the panel and the dog!), as she should be! Excellent work, Sally. We are all very proud of your accomplishment!!!

Cathy's Oyster Catchers

Cathy strikes again. This time with a lovely rendition of a group of Oyster Catchers scurrying along the beach.

Cathy's use of glass is amazing. Nothe the ripples of the ocean water and the texture of the sand on the beach. She chose a beautiful glass for the sky. It really makes the birds pop out of the picture. Notice also the swirls in the black glass used for the bird bodies. It gives the birds the illusion of feathers.

Very nicely done, Cathy. I can't wait to show you all what she's working on now!!!

Deborah's First Project

Deborah is a very talented artist. She has done pottery, is a prolific photographer, is a rabid mosaic artist, and is now venturing forth into the world of stained glass . . . oh yeah, and she's in my watercolor class, too!! She is also the driving force and boss lady behind Images Gallery and Studio. She is giving many other local artists, myself included, an outlet for selling their art and teaching their art. What a gal, huh?!?!

For her first stained glass project, Deborah wanted to adapt a photo of two of her children into a stained glass portrait. Never one to side step a challenge, I said "SURE! We can do that!!"

You be the judge . . . I think she nailed it!!

Deborah's work is on display at Images Gallery, along with hundreds of excellent examples of local artists' talent. Be sure to come see us when you can!!