Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ron's Sidelight

Here is a photo of Ron's latest project. I think it turned out FANTASTIC!! The colors he chose are really set off by the colors in the room. Way to go, Ron!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More Student Projects Completed!

Here are the very latest updates on the progress of my students. They are working like crazy, and turning out some outstanding work!

This is Sally with her "Fuzzy Little Yellow Bee" that she made for her son's graduation present. This is Sally's first project. She did a fantastic job on it. I know she is proud!

This is Karen with her first project. It is one of a pair of dragonflies that will grace her kitchen window. She used some exquisite antique cobalt blue glass in the dragonfly body. That glass came from some old church windows they found in their barn when they bought their property in Alabama. She has done a super job on this project! The colors are dazzling!!

Here is Ann with her first project. She was so worried that she couldn't do stained glass! Can you believe it?? She has shown us all that she can do a spectacular job!! I can't wait to see her next project!

Last, but certainly not least, is Cathy. Again, this is her first project. She took the design from a painting she had of a Puffin. The eyes were made from some old costume jewelry earrings. I think they really took this piece to the next level. Cathy's use of glass in this piece is extraordinary. She chose swirls in the glass to enhance the look of feathers and the shape of the birds features.
Congratulations to all of you on a job very well done!!

Sookie's BIG JOB

Here is another belated update . . . I have been boring you all to tears for the past year with the story of the "BIG GRANT PARK JOB". Well, it is finished!! The client was happy and all is right with the world!!

Here are a few (well, OK, a lot of) photos from the installation:

Sookie is hard at work!

This shot shows some of the contrasting textures of the clear glass we used to accent the bevels and bevel clusters.

Another good texture shot.

Happy campers!!

Who could ask for a more satisfying career? To be the instrument that delivers these projects from a simple concept to a solid panel of lead and glass, and then to have them installed and beautiful and to daily enhance someone else's life . . . wow. I am a lucky Glass Gal indeed.

Angela and Margaret - First Projects

Here are a couple of belated updates . . .
This is Margaret's first project:
Absolutley stunning! Great job, Margaret!!

Here is Angela's first project:

Of course, Angela is a big ole smarty pants, and doesn't like having her picture taken. Who does?? I don't understand it, because she is just as lovely as this panel she created! See what I mean?

Fabulous work, Angela! As always, I am VERY PROUD of my students! They are all stars in my book!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Stained Glass Class - Candid Shots

Here are a few shots taken around the studio during Tuesday night classes . . .

This is Deborah a.k.a. the "Mosaic Maven" hard at work . . .

Ron and Mary Beth are deep in concentration . . .
Here is Ron with his project . . .

Here's a closer view of Ron's panel . . .
Sally foils her panel . . .

Close up of Sally's "Fuzzy Little Yellow Bee" . . .
Sorry, but you can't see any more of Mary Beth's panel yet . . . she is giving it to someone very special, and it can't be revealed yet!! Don't want to ruin the surprise!!!

Notable Quote

This is Deborah's mosaic bench . . .

It made me think of a great quote by W.C. Fields . . .

“Everybody’s got to believe in something.
I believe I’ll have another beer.”

Purple Coneflower

Here is the latest watercolor painting . . . I began this one in May and finished in November. Whew!! The class thought I was surely going over the edge on this one . . . for a while, I thought I might, too!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Images Summer Art Camp 2007

OK, I know it is winter now, but I just got the photos from Deborah . . . here are some of my favorite candid shots from Summer Art Camp at Images Studio 2007. We had a GREAT time!

This is Trisha, our own little "Mockingbird of Sunshine". She was the primary instructor for our Summer Camp. She did a fantastic job. The kids loved her, the other instructors loved her, the parents loved her . . . the whole world loves her!! She is a delightful person, and a wonderful artist.

This is Bailey (who is Trisha's daughter) and Hombre. Bailey was drawing a picture of herself taking Hombre for a walk. From the looks of it, Hombre thought that she did a pretty good job!

Hombre stayed pretty busy being an artists' model during summer camp . . .

Here he poses with the campers . . .

Notable Quote

"In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong; honor that; try to imitate it, and your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes."
-John Ruskin

Slacker . . .

OK, OK, I know I've been a real slacker when it comes to updating the Blog. The problem is that life comes at me too fast and furious sometimes to get it all in here in a timely fasion. With the winter season comes a slower pace (for me, anyway). Over the next few weeks, hopefully I'll be able to get all the great photos and stories in here so you can see what's been shaking around the Studio the past few months.

Enough beating myself up . . . on with the show!!