Sunday, December 9, 2007

Images Summer Art Camp 2007

OK, I know it is winter now, but I just got the photos from Deborah . . . here are some of my favorite candid shots from Summer Art Camp at Images Studio 2007. We had a GREAT time!

This is Trisha, our own little "Mockingbird of Sunshine". She was the primary instructor for our Summer Camp. She did a fantastic job. The kids loved her, the other instructors loved her, the parents loved her . . . the whole world loves her!! She is a delightful person, and a wonderful artist.

This is Bailey (who is Trisha's daughter) and Hombre. Bailey was drawing a picture of herself taking Hombre for a walk. From the looks of it, Hombre thought that she did a pretty good job!

Hombre stayed pretty busy being an artists' model during summer camp . . .

Here he poses with the campers . . .

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