Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dog Training Fridays

Did you ever wonder what a Glass Gal does in her spare time?

What spare time this Glass Gal has, is often spent in the company of dogs.

Some of my Stained Glass students convinced me to begin holding an informal Dog Training session on Friday mornings. We work with our dogs on obedience and manners, and try to address any problem behaviors they (the dogs and/or the owners!) may have. Sometimes we work hard, other times not so much! Deborah was kind enough to photograph one of our recent sessions.

Here is my pack:
WTCH True Grit Hombre

Nitestar's True Blue Moore, CGC, TT

Nitestar's Peggy Lee, CGC

In this session, we worked on an orderly and controlled method of feeding. In this method, the dogs all sit and wait to be released before they eat. This is an excellent way to establish leadership within your pack, as the leader always controls the food.

It is tough being a "demo dog"!

Now Carol's dog, Dibley, will join us.

Dibley came to our first session as a very timid, fearful soul. He would panic and vocalize (snarl, growl, scream, show every tooth in his head in a very scary way!) if any dog or human got too close.

Here you can see that Dibley isn't really happy with the situation, but he's working through it. That's all we are asking him to do.

It is interesting to note the difference in appearance between a sassy, confident dog like Callie . . .

and a timid, fearful dog like Dibley.


We are also letting the children get in on the training. It is good for the dogs, as well as the children. Keep in mind in the following photos, Peggy Lee has been frightened of children in the past. I'd say she is well on her way to loving kids now!!

Here is Mary Beth's little guy, Sparky. He is all puppy, and is learning some manners!
This last photo captures the essence of working with dogs to me. Peggy Lee is thoroughly enjoying our time together.

That's what it's all about!!

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